It is April already. I had a couple of finishes.
Liberty by Bent Creek. I have been listening to audio books and stitching during my flights instead of reading.
If you would like me to pass in this chart to you let me know. If there is more than one person interested I will draw a name.
I also finished this little Shepherds Bush piece. I will probably finish it as a scissor fob. If you would like this chart let me know.
So a couple of weeks ago I headed up the road to Portsmouth, OH. I was there to learn how to do the computer set up for new sites.
You know that I explore where I am for the week so here is my Portsmouth report.
Portsmouth is on the Ohio river. Kentucky is in the other side. On the other side of that cement flood wall is a wonderful mural that portrays Portsmouth's history.
On my drive up to Portsmouth I passed this...
What an amazing old theater in Ashland, KY. And since the next day there was a show and it was only 30 minutes away from Portsmouth I made myself go to this...
I am so glad that I did.It is very easy just to go back to my hotel room and crash. I am always tired. I am very thankful for the chance that I have to see different places and to experience different things but it takes effort.
So that catches you up with me a little. I have been back up to Asheville and out to Kansas since Ohio, but will share that on another post.
Thanks for traveling with me!
Stitch on my Friends!
I would love the Bent Creek Liberty.
The Murals are beautiful.
It was interesting about Roy and the 1st cycle club.
The theater is beautiful too.
Thanks for sharing all of the pics.
It's always fun to tag along Chris, it's a great way of "visiting" new places. Have a good week.
Wow, what fabulous murals and a beautiful theater! I enjoy seeing and reading about your adventures, Chris!
Robin in Virginia
some cute finishes. Some really pretty pictures. The theatre is really pretty.
Please count me in for Liberty!
Oh man! Oh man! If I could see Sleeping Beauty performed by the Russian Ballet! Wowie zowie! Good for you!
That is a lovely theatre, Chris. It's good that you can see many parts of your country as you travel for work.
Love your two newest finishes, Chris. Thanks for the informative tour of Portsmouth. I always enjoy traveling with you!
Lovely to see you are still having fun on the working road.
Your stitching finish stitching looks great
Lovely to see some stitching by you - LOL! Both pieces are beautiful Chris! OH WOW you got to see Sleeping Beauty ballet! Incredible theater! Thank you for sharing all these Fabulous photos. Those murals are beautiful!!! I would love to stitch "Good Luck" and or "Liberty". Please count me in!
Then I would pass them on...
love Annette
The mural on the wall is wonderful. There is always something lovely to see and learn when I visit here Chris. Thanks.x
Thank you for sharing these amazing pieces of history of the town you visit. Love, love, love the mural and that gorgeous theater. So glad you do take some time to enjoy your surroundings. Very cool indeed.
I'm from Portsmouth!!!!!! So glad you found something about our town and area to enjoy!! Thank you so much for posting. I'm a long time follower of your blog.
I love your finishes :) And I loved taking the tour of Portsmouth! Lovely, beautiful pictures :) Thank you so much for sharing them with us!
What a neat place. This could be an afternoon motorcycle ride for DH and I. We are always looking for neat things to go see. Thanks for sharing! Have a good week!
Wow - looks like a great place to visit. I'd love the charts, but have so many already on my "to-do" list, I'll pass. Whoever gets them will be lucky.
I have been hauting EBay for a year now hoping to get that "Liberty" chart - I know it was originally a kit. Such pretty murals - I am so impressed that where ever you travel you take the time to see the area and learn about the history and cultural opportunities - as well as the regional food.
Cute finishes!
Loved the armchair tour, too.
I like your finishes! Nice that you are stitching and listening to audiobooks on your flights. It's always fun to see what you are experiencing of the locations you go to. You are really getting to know our country!
What a lovely place to visit! I'd love to have the Liberty pattern - thank you for giving these away. blessings, marlene
I just love how much of the U.S. you're able to take in on your work trips, Chris--that old theater is so special. Glad to hear from you and see you're still finding time for some stitching :)
I am a big fan of audio books as well. Those murals are just gorgeous. How lovely for the residents to have that history so well illustrated with pride. I would love either of the patterns you are done with. It is kind of you to share.
Wonderful stitching and loving your travel pics. Would love to stitch Liberty. Thank you for the chance.
Passing on the chart offer, but you haven't mentioned your back/ankle injury. All healed I hope.
So sweet, your two finishes. And beautiful pictures you took of all the wall paintings.
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