This is the motif that had to be taken out and restitched. I usually cut the stitches from the top and pullout all the little pieces. Sometimes I use a soft tooth brush to get leftover fuzz up.
This is stitched with DMC.
Are there other fibers that are harder to cut out? That leave more "poo" behind? How do you go about frogging?
Sorry about the poor pic.
I hope that everyone is having a great week. I hope to get back to my normal blog reading/commenting schedule soon. I hope to get back to a regular in all parts of my life soon.
Have you entered my giveaway yet? There is plenty of time. See my last post for the details. Those of you that have already entered I appreciate the comments and your favorite getaway info.
Have a fabulous weekend!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Never heard of that term! lolol! Belle Soie is really bad for floss poo. I think any thread that tends to fuzz and shred more on its own is worse. DMC isn't that bad, right??
Funny term ~ new to me!! Seems like the frogs have been busy everywhere so far this year. I've had my fair share and I hope they move along!
Never heard of that one, but sometimes we need these crazy terms for comic relief, lol! I don't usually find too much poo when I take out but I think it has to do with the color itself.
Hope you get rid of the frog and get back on track. Have a great weekend!
Yup..very interesting and something new for me..
Have a great weekend with lovely Stitchy time xx
I think you will need to strive for the least amount of drag on the fabric,then hope that most of the area will covered up by more stitching. This will be a challenge but definitely worth the effort. Good Luck CJ inOK
I call it frog droppings. I use little sharp scissors to cut the threads out and if I can't seem to get all the fuzzy "droppings"left behind, I roll over it gently with one of those sticky lint rollers.
Yup, like Peggy, I use masking tape for stragglers. Red is the only problem floss I have had.
Floss-poo ... lol! I second the masking tape : )
I use a little piece of tape to get the fuzz off. I think DMC can make an awful mess, I remember a lot of dark blue from one of my sampler stockings.
Just found your blog.
Love that term!
I use a small bit of sellotape to dab at the fluffy left behind bits.
Happy weekend!
Hi Chris: I use a Mr. Clean sponge (not wet) this helped to pick up the loose poo love that term I think this word will make its way around blog land.
I will always remember floss poo.
Thank you.
Oh yes pooing is much worse with darker colors. I usually tap tape over the area to get the last of it.
Cute term!! Red has always seemed the worse for me and I use a little bit of masking tape or clear tape to get as much out on both sides of the fabric. Good luck!
Looking pretty, BTW...
LOL--floss poo? I love it! I agree with Margaret, Belle Soie does tend to leave a bit of poo behind, but it's nice poo and seems to go away with not much fuss and I still love to use it. Sorry about the frogging!
Do you think it's just that the poo shows up more on lighter linen with bolder floss? The soft toothbrush is probably just the same, BUT there is a tool called Judy's BooBoo Stick with very small, coarser end, then a softer, larger end. Of course there's a YouTube of it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g28KYeD1C9I
LOL, that's a good one. I keep a very soft white rubber with my sewing tools that I only ever use for gently storking the frogged areas. It removes all the poo easliy, give it a try.
If its any help when teaching blackwork I always had a supply of white knitting wool with me for anyone unpicking, black threads leave traces behind your floss poo!
a short lingth of woll taken through front to back of the worst areas picks up the black threads as it goes.
I've used tape on the backside or my favorite pet hair picker upper - Playtex living gloves! Great tip about the yarn.
Floss poo is a new term for me. I'll have to remember that one!
I usually use a two-sided tape to pick up leftover fuzz that I've flossed. I think red and black are the worst although I've had it happen with a dark blue.
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