The cute little town of Ashland, VA.

We met our friend Mary Ann and her friend Beth for a late breakfast and an early lunch and gab session.

Quiche and fruit. Yum! It was the perfect meet up place and so nice to catch up with friends.
After that Susan and I hopped back in the car to our next stop.

The Strawberry Sampler in Glen Mills, PA. Here is Susan. She looks ready to shop doesn't she?
I was hoping that I would find one of these inside

I was not disappointed. So you know I will be drooling over the designs tonight in my hotel room.
After checking in Susan and I found a lovely small local place to have dinner. We had some lovely comfort food and we are calling it a night.
Tomorrow it is off to the Chester County exhibit, lunch with friends and then to the Philadelphia Art Museum. Yahoo!
Sweet dreams and thanks for tagging along.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Glad you are enjoying some fun with friends!
What fun... enjoy your trip.
Sounds like a great trip so far! I love quiche and that looks like a good one. Oh how I wish I had a local shop. Enjoy and stay safe.
Sounds like a great trip! Just one thing from the Strawberry Sampler?! You have more will power than than I would have.
Sounds like a great trip! Just one thing from the Strawberry Sampler?! You have more will power than than I would have.
Have a wonderful trip!!
Ugh!!! You are in my neck of the woods and I am not back at the shop yet!!! Hope you enjoy the exhibit and your time in the area. Wish I could have met up with you!
I'm so jealous that you already got your hands on JCS Christmas issue. LOVE your adventure you are on. I got excited for you. Shopping and friends how fun. Sweet dreams to you to.
love Annette
enjoy your trip xx
Ooooh, lucky you! You're stopping at places I want to go to for sure! I'll probably miss that exhibit. :( Maybe I should make my DH take me some weekend.....
Ooh! Sounds like it's time for me to start magazine hunting! I know y'all are having a blast!
Have a great trip!
Have fun! My JCS mags take a long time to arrive here. :(
Chris: Sounds like apositively fun day.
Great start to the journey. Ah - the Christmas issue - waiting not so patiently! Enjoy the friends and be safe.
Have a great trip & enjoy the Ornie issue
I live in Ashland, VA! I work across the street from the train station at Randolph-Macon College and in the other direction, 1 block away is my home! I hope you enjoyed your short stay in "The Center of the Universe" (tag line for the town).
Safe Travels,
Ahh, that sounds like a perfect trip to me! Have fun.
Thanks for letting us "tag along" it's fun to see where you are going. Enjoy the magazine.
Enjoy the exhibit. It's fantastic--I'm sure you will.
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