This is a pic of all the news vans outside the Greensboro courthouse waiting for the verdict in the John Edwards trial. At lunch time we try and walk around the block a couple of times and this has been one of our current sites.

I had to stop and load up on these. I need to break this habit.

Here's some color in the yard.
That's about it. I think we are going to go see Battleship and I am going to eat a lot of popcorn for dinner!
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Enjoy your popcorn!
Hi Chris, I didn't realize you were in the same town as the Edwards trial! It must make for lots of news people around! Let me know what you think of Battleship. It looks like a movie my DH would love.
My DH is wanting to see Battleship. I too hope you enjoyed your popcorn : )
Popcorn for dinner sounds fantastic.
How was Battleship I couldn't figure out the exact plot from the trailers so had no interest!
I figure a person could have a worse habit than Diet Coke. I also have the same habit. I get nervous when I start get low on it,
Enjoy your movie and popcorn
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